How did I skip this for two whole days?
Well, remember, this blog is mostly about being Mommy, so that's your answer right there.
My fellow mommy, Rebekah, has three children, aged 3, 22 months, and 6 weeks. She probably would just roll her eyes and guffaw at the idea that I have my hands full.
I know, I
know, I have just the one little I
should be able to keep it all together with minimal effort, right?
Not so much.
The day has 24 hours, and I spend about 18 of those engaged in the following:
* attempting to do housework with Nash wrapped around my leg saying "Mommy pick you up!"
* playing in the floor with Nash
* reading books with Nash
* playing outside with Nash
* watching PBS or Disney or Scholastic videos with Nash
...well, you get the idea.
I love every moment of watching him grow, learn and play. Still, I have no idea how
Rebekah and other multiple-kid mommies manage.
I'm in awe.
In the interest of maintaining some level of brevity, I'll dispense with the DSL for Saturday and Sunday. I didn't do half bad (comparitively) yesterday, though.
DSL for July 14, 2008* Breakfast - whole wheat English muffin with turkey & cheddar
* Snack - an apple
* Lunch - um...Doritos
* Dinner - baked carrots & wild rice
* Snack - two chocolate chip cookies
I have
terrible eating habits, huh? Well,oh well.
Somehow, Nash is developing pretty decent tastes, despite my rotten example.
While he loves Doritos & chocolate, he's also quite fond of apple slices, whole wheat pasta, cheddar chunks, English peas & yogurt.
And he likes to run, too!
When I'm loading up the jogging stroller, he walks around saying
"Where going? Going wunnin? That be gwate fun."
And when I say "On your mark, get set, go!" He takes off giggling and wunnin for about 20 steps before he gets distracted and veers off task.
If only we could get race organizers to park a tractor at the finish line, I'm sure he could burn it up on a one-mile fun run!
OK. That's it for now, time to savor the last of my chocolate-caramel-nut coffee and get the little rascal out of bed and ready for his 2-year-old well-check.
I'll try to get his birthday party pics posted later today on my
photo blog.