Monday, July 28, 2008

Return of the Prodigal Runner-Blogger Mommy

If I still have any readers after four solid days with no post, welcome and thank you for not giving up on Mommy's Running List!

First, I must give a little shout out to Glen King, a running buddy who gave me a call Thursday afternoon to invite my husband and/or me to join the gang for the Rails to Trails group run. I already knew the where and when and Glen knew I knew. He was just trying, I think, to encourage me to get up and get out and run!
With the meeting time only 45 minutes away and Nash sitting in his booster chair finishing up a Popsicle and looking forward to heading out to the backyard to splash around in his kiddie pool, I, of course, was unable to accept Glen's invitation. It was wonderfully encouraging, though, to find that someone has actually been following my training attempts and frustrations here and was willing to offer a bit of encouragement. (Yes, I know I just used encouraging and encouragement in the same sentence but it's 5:45 a.m., I'm only halfway through my first cup of coffee and I still have to prepare Brian's lunch, iron our work clothes and get Nash and myself ready for his first day of Mother's Morning Out so you'll excuse me, please, for my lack of creative wording. My inner thesaurus just doesn't function properly under these conditions.)

You'll also have to forgive me for not having my DSLs available for the last few days. I haven't been keeping up with my intake. I did have an absolutely mouth-wateringly delicious fresh-from-the-inlaw's-garden tomato sandwich on wheat just before bedtime last night. Oreos, no Doritos, just wheat bread, tomato, mayonesa and one slice of cheese.

I'm going to try to make it to the group run this evening, since its at the track just a mile from home, where I usually run with Nash anyway. We'll see.
I'll keep you posted!

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