Sunday, October 5, 2008

Little Altars Everywhere

Went for a glorious run this morning!
Glorious only because I finally got back out there...not because I broke any speed records or anything. All I did was meet the goal I set for myself as I stepped out the door:
Go four miles, maintaining a steady pace...whatever that pace may be.
And so, I did.
It was a very slow four miles, indeed, but since this was my first run since Sept. 6 and only my second run in 10 weeks' time, I'll consider it a success.
I left home and ran the three-quarters of a mile over to the track and then hit the newest portion of the Swan Creek Greenway. On the trail, just as I approached the underpass at Nick Davis Road, I noticed two little stone altars on either side of the trail. For the rest of the run then, all the way to Highway 72, here and there were more little altars. I enjoyed them immensely and began to look forward to them as I would see them in the distance. So, on the off-chance that whoever did this happens across this blog entry,
Your Little Altars Everywhere provided such inspiration today!


Anonymous said...

that's so funny! my father-in-law makes those! he's made a habit of stacking rocks on the sides of the paths where he walks his dogs. he calls it his "art". i'm printing your blog for him to see. he's going to get a real kick out of it!

Eric said...

Welcome back! Glad you were able to get back out today.