Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Some folks might think keeping a food diary (i.e., my Daily Sustenance List) is a little odd. Odd, maybe, but nutritionally helpful, according to the results of a study recently published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
The study revealed that keeping a detailed (and presumably honest) food journal was "a powerful tool" in succeeding at weight-loss goals. While I'm certainly not trying to lose weight (I'm 5'5" and 120 pounds) I am trying to establish and maintain a nutritionally sound diet.
As the mother of a toddler, I need to eat right in order to set a good example and to ensure that I'll be able to keep up with this boy's maternal needs for the next 30-40-odd years.
As a runner I need to eat right in order to achieve my pace and mileage goals.
OK. That's it for now. Gotta get going on today's To Do List:

* Take Nash to Nanny & ManMan's house - CHECK
* Do laundry -CHECK
* Work at least 4 hours - CHECK (WELL, 3 HOURS ANYWAY)
subTDL - Deliver bin to JB, pick bins from LD, touch base with Duck & Run volunteers, return phone messages, check on Duck & Run course certification, touch base with JZ re: July 17, prepare report for Thursday Board mtg., call Mayor re: mtg re: recycling at Sportsplex
* Pick up Nash - CHECK
* Reserve pavillion for Nash's bday party - DECIDED TO HAVE PARTY IN BACKYARD
* Update Nash Chronicles - CHECK
* Update Mommy's List - CHECK
* Update North Alabama Runner - CHECK
* Run or go to gym

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