Saturday, September 27, 2008

Less, The Sleequel...?

Here I am again...
A week later...
Still sleepless.

Miserably awake in the middle of the night with no hope of sleep is a lonesome, cold place to be. A place without comfort.

Nash is somewhat better. We had another doctor visit on Wednesday. This time he got an antibiotic. It's doing some good but it's taking time.
Tonight -- now -- just short of 3 a.m., he's sleeping. But moaning, groaning with almost every breath. Not wheezing, mind you, just very vocal slumber.
This after an hour-long uncontrollabe crying jag.
The child is in pain and nothing I try to do for him helps.
It's horrific to watch him suffer and be completely helpless.

If the antibiotic hasn't made a significant difference by Monday, he's back to the doctor.
This time, no guesswork.
This time, I want bloodwork for my child.
This time, we need a real diagnosis and real treatment.
Or better yet, he'll be all better and back to his regular two-year-old self and we wont' even need to go.

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