Monday, August 4, 2008

No Apologies

No apologies, no excuses.
No sustenance lists. No training lists.
I have a grocery list today, though, if you're interested.
It's a short one.
shredded cheese
Pop-Tarts (they make whole-grain now in strawberry & brown sugar-cinnamon)
ice cream
peanut butter
baby corn (Nash loves his "corns")

Don't know if I'll get in a workout today or not. The forecast is something like 97 degrees with a heat index of about, oh, 800 bajillion. We have a digital thermometer that reads both indoor and outdoor temperature. Yesterday afternoon, Brian moved the reader from its usual perch in the shade to the middle of our concrete driveway. In no time flat, the display had shot up to 114 degrees!
Of course, that shouldn't really matter. After all, the treadmills at the fully air-conditioned gym are perfectly functional and those membership dues come out of my bank account month after month whether I ever walk through the doors or not!
I wish I could get myself into this mindset:
"Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made."
- Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
(Thanks and a little shout-out to Whitney, who always tags her e-mails with wonderfully inspirational quotes!)

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